Graduation Reviewing Officer     



23-2 Entry        February 1923 - December 1924

Addams James    A     St. Pauls

Allinson Norman   B     Trent College

Bandon Percy    B          Wellingon

Beamish George    B     Coleraine Academical Inst.

Beardswotth George  A     Christ's Hospital

Cocks Adrian  B          Dulwich College

Cox George    A          Cheltenham

Ford Richard    B          Portsmouth G.S.

Hardy Stephen    B          Malvern

Harris Sydney   A          Imperial Service College

Hayes Guy   B          Uxbridge G.S.

Hayes Montague    A     Wellington

Lywood Geofirey    A     Brighton College

Montgomery Alexander B      Wellington

Nowell Henry    A          Cranwell

O'Hanlon Francis    B     Cranwell

Rhys Jones    B          Rossall

Scott Ian    A          Repton

Walker Neil    B          Clifton College

Willetts Alfred    B          Polytechnic, Regent St.

Alfred Willets

DSO for :

This officer is air adviser to the Chief of Combined Operations. He took part in the successful raid on Vaagso carried out by the three Services on the 27th December, 1941, and was responsible for the organisation of the air plan adopted for this combined operation. Group Captain Willetts flew in the leading Hampden bomber and much of the success which attended the operation may be attributed to his skill and devotion to duty

Rosa (granddaughter describes Great grandfather's time in Germany.

My Great Grandfather, Group Captain Alfred Henry Willetts DSO, was shot down in August 1943. He was flying in a bomber over Berlin. The plane was on fire and he jumped out.

He got on a train where a German soldier caught him and was taken to Stalag Luft 3, a Prisoner of War camp.

My Great Grandfather helped organise 2 escape plans, the ‘Wooden Horse’ and ‘the Great Escape’ - they have been made into films.

In the cold and snowy winter of 1944, he was ordered on the ‘Long March’ with the rest of the prisoners. He had no warm clothes and little food.

The war ended on 8th May 1945 and my Great Grandfather was flown home. The first thing he did was visit my Granny at her boarding school, she was 12 years old.


1/2/1923 - 17/12/1924