86 Entry        7 January 1962 - 17 December 1964

Commandant : Air Cdre   M.D. Lyne AFC              Graduation Reviewing Officer : ACM Sir Charles Elworthy GCB CBE DSO MVO DFC AFC MA


Do you have any photographs for 86 Entry?

If so please email them to :


Ainge   Dave  (86)

Atkinson     (86)

Blagbrough     (86)

Caborn     (86)

Chllds     (86)

Clegg     (86)

Davies     (86)

Dicks     (86)

Doyle     (86)

Featherstone     (86)

Hughes-Lewis     (86)

James     (86)

Jeffrey John    (86)

Kaye     (86)

Langham     (86)

Lanham     (86)

Markey  Peter    (A)

Mawhinney    Jack ( )

Milsom     ( )

Moore     ( )

Mugridge     (86)

Naqvi     (86)

Pearson     (86)

Redmond     (86)

Rizvi     (86)

Rump     (86)

Stableford     (86)

Tolladay     (86)

Tyack Ernest (C)

Warner     (86)

Wilkinson  Clive    (A)

non-bold:- did not graduate
