Graduation Reviewing Officer     



95 Entry        3 October 1966 - 28 February 1969

Back:  Pete Slawson    Ray Bull  Keith Filbey    David Guest  Steve Griffiths

Middle: Mike Williamson   Taff Williams   Rob Tydeman   Mike Remlinger   David Heath   Pete Hoskins  Taff Duggan

Front: John Chandler   Stevie Green   Pieter Hemsley   Steve Monaghan   Phil Bright  Phil Roser  Andy Vallance   John Walliker   Nigel Betts

2014 Reunion

45 Years since Graduation

2009 Reunion

40 Years since Graduation

Back: Stevie Green  Dave Bills  Fred LeJeune   Mike Remlinger

Middle:  Andy Vallance  Trevor Beney   John Walliker   Jim Ball   Keith Filbey

Front;  Des Goff    Ron Chivers    Rod Sears   Phil Bright    David Heath    Mike Williamson

Mike Clovis looking like he enjoyed something ?!!

George Fenton, Barry Neale, Mike Clovis, Tim Williams

Fashion shoot outside C Squadron:  College Blazers v  Tweed Jackets,

Mike Williamson   Des Goff    Mike Clovis   Pete Hoskins

Flight Cadet Bright low flying

As an Entry we were probably in need of the Chaplain centre stage.

95ers might recall the "R......r, how's your father?"  moment?

Colorado Springs USAF Academy Visit

Looked the dog's doodahs on a Morris Minor


RIP Ian Sloss

95 Graduation

C Squadron

95B  KINGROCK  Was it really that much fun?  Moody  Jones  Henderson LeJeune Green  - et al ?


Rather nice perk for those who didn't do sciences. Plus ca change ! 

Spot Bright, Goff, Remlinger, Roser, 

Je m'appelle  ...........  et je suis pilote eleve de l'armee de l'air anglaise

Extra prize for matching the couples !!

Abbott  Mike    B

Angus Dave   A

Ball Jim    D

Beney  Trevor    B

Benn Laurie    A

Betts Nigel    A

Bills David    D

Bright Philip    C

Brown Robert    (B

Bull Ray    B

Bull Ken    A

Cartwight-Terry Lionel    C

Chandler John Edgar    D

Chivers Ron    B

Clovis Mike   C

Cole Geoffrey    A

Cottle Clive    (95C)

Denwood Victor    (95c)

Doggart John    (95C)

Duggan Taff    (95C)

Filbey  Keith    (95D)

Goff Des    (95C)

Green Stevie    (95B)

Griffiths Steve    (95C)

Guest David    (95C)

Heath David    (95A)

Hemsley Pieter    (95D)

Hockley  Chris    (95B)

Hoskins  Peter    (95C)

Jones Nicholas    (95B)

Jones  Jon    (95C)

Lapsley John    (95D)

Le Jeune Peter    (95B)

Monaghan Steve    (95A)

Moody Roger    (95B)

Oldham Derek    (95C)

Peckett Dave    (95A)

Remlinger Michael    (95C)

Roser  Phil    (95B)

Rutledge Graham    (95C)

Sears Rodney    (95A)

Simpson Geoff    (95B)

Slawson Peter    (95B)

Stoner  Martin    (95C)

Swinscoe Brian    (95A)

Tydeman Robin    (95D)

Vallance  Andy    (95A)

Wakely Brian    (95A)

Walliker John    (95C)

Welham John    (95C)

Williams Owen    (95D)

Williamson Michael    (95C)

Jim Ball, Brian Swinscoe, Geoff Simpson, Keith Filbey, and a rather dashing young chap who’s name escapes me.

We set out running from the original Olympic Stadium on west coast of Greece at dawn and ran a 33 hour relay to the Acropolis.

Nearly 2 Marathons each in August and 35 deg C. We were escorted all the way by an Hellenic Air Force Major and were met at the Acropolis by the infamous Colonels of the 1966 Military takeover. Papadopoulos and Ioannidis met us at the British Embassy party in our honour as well. Both were imprisoned for life after the return to democracy in 1974 and Ioannidis died as late as 2010 still in prison. Hard school rules!

Bit of history really - like shaking hands with Hitler Mussolini or Franco

Dave Heath

Dave Heath


ACM Sir John Grandy GCB KBE DFC (CAS)