"Never was so much owed by so many to so few"  20th August 1940

10th May 1940

4th June 1940

18th June 1940

Winston Churchill’s influence on the morale of the nation in 1940 is hard to overestimate.

The Nazi war machine had achieved unparalleled success in Europe; our Expeditionary Force had been driven back to the Channel ports and only the miracle of Dunkirk had prevented total national humiliation.

In the ensuing months, which became known as the Battle of Britain, Churchill’s magnificent oratory, and the heroism of our people aided by those who came from many parts of the world to help in this hour of need, became a legend. ‘The Few’ of the Royal Air Force were the spearhead but behind them were the many. Churchill’s words ring down the ages; they inspired then, and they do today.
