Although College Hall was opened in 1934; the College did not have its bells until 1952.

The Directors of The Shell Petroleum Company donated a peal of six chiming bells to the College to commemorate the 477 former Flight Cadets who were killed in action during the Second World War.

The bells, manufactured by Messrs John Taylor & Co in Loughborough and installed by Messrs Gent and Co Ltd of Leicester weigh between 2cwt and 25cwt. Steel frames are set either side of CHOM tower with the clock movement in the centre, the right hand frame holds the Tenor bell which weighs 25cwt with a diameter of 4ft 1/4 ins. The other five bells are in the left hand frame and set in two levels.

So next time you visit or are passing CHOM, take a moment to stand and listen to the Westminster Chimes and the 'Retreat' as they ring out over the Orange; and take time to remember those 477 men to whom they are dedicated.




Under Training

