Graduation Reviewing Officer     



76 Entry        9 January 1957 - 15 December 1959

No 76 Entry mustered on 9 January 1957 69 strong.  It was augmented with 5 that were transferred from the 75th at which point the roster stood at:

This occasion was marking the Entry's 6oth Anniversary of Formation  was its tenth reunion. The first in 1994 was for both its 35th of Graduation and the appointment of one of its members as CAS (the first one that is!). The eight in between have been for every other  fifth anniversary of Formation and of Graduation.

16 that were 76 Entry graduates,

  2 joined with 76 but graduated with the 77th,

  1 graduated from Air Navigation School,

  1 did not graduate,

  plus Simon Johnson IOT 83 son of Martin Johnson

The Entry is accordingly looking forward to its Diamond Anniversary of Graduation at the Annual Reunion in 2019.

Entry Coordinator:Peter Symes

A Squadron: 25

Barringer  Mike    

Billinge Paul  

Coriat  Hugh  

Evans Mal  

Geach Robin  

Graydon Michael

Horsley Chris    

Howells  Steve  

Hulland Johnny  

Jennings  Paul  

Kennedy  Mike  

Kingston Tony

Lawrence David  

Littlefair David  

Pelling Johnny  

Porteous  Tom    

Porter  Mike  

Potter   Brian  

Read Larry    

Sinclair  Ian  

Smith  Mike  

Styles  Frank  

Taylor Nigel    

Tavender  Ian  

Wood Chris

C Squadron: 23

Colwell  Pat  

Davis Jim  

Dorrett  Ian  

Harrington  Paul

Herbertson  John

Herd  Duncan

Hooper  Tony

Horsfall  John

Hunter  Ewan

Johnston  Ben

Keeling  Peter

Laver  John

Maden  Bruce  

Maitland  Peter

Maxwell  Tony

Nowell  Jerry

O’Herlihy  Mike

Phillips  Alan

Phillipson  Don

Pope  Roger

Preston  Roger

Trowern Bob

Waddington Dick

B Squadron: 26

Baird  Peter  

Ballands  David  

Coulson  Tony  

Cunliffe  David

Gardner  Bob  

Glennie  Gordon

Green  Chris  

Holmes  Roy  

Hutchinson  Ian  

Johns  Dick  

Johnson  Martin  

Jones  Andy

Lucking  Rick  

Martin  Ian  

Maule  Malcolm  

Packman  David  

Parkin  Colin  

Pearson  Tony  

Perreaux  Euan  

Price  Jeremy

Simmonds Peter  

Stoner Richard

Symes  Peter  

Walters  Jon

Weddle  Ian

Wigmore  “Walter”/Ian

Then, over time, 6, mainly retreading specialisations, filtered into the 77th.  Peter Baird was tragically killed solo in a Piston Provost on 21 Jul 58 and Peter Keeling dual in a Vampire T11 (mid-air in the Cranwell  circuit) on 31 Jan 59.  7 were commissioned elsewhere eg at Air Navigation Schools, 20 were, or self,  'chopped', leaving  39 to graduate on 15 Dec 59.

Of this 39, 23 were Pilots and 6 Navigators in the General Duties Branch, 6 were in the Equipment Branch and  4 in the Secretarial.  In their service they reached the following ranks: 2 of Flying Officer, 8 Flight Lieutenant, 13 Squadron Leader, 8 Wing Commander, 5 Group Captain, 1 Air Commodore, 2 Air Chief Marshal (Sir Michael Graydon Chief of the Air Staff from November 1992 to April 1997  being succeeded by Sir Richard Johns who was in post until April 2000).

For their services to the Royal Air Force they were each awarded a KGCB and a CBE, the latter honour being  accorded to 3 others.  One OBE was bestowed and 3 AFCs.

The Entry’s total commissioned service was in the order of 1020  years.

Since graduation the Entry has lost the following 12 :

In operational flying accidents (both also mid-airs): 

Johnny Hulland (Canberra in Germany) on 15 Jan 62 and Ewan Perreaux (Red Arrows Gnat at Kemble) on 20 Jan 71 

And through natural causes: 

Ewan Hunter: 03 Jan 87      Bob Gardner: 15 Jun 91        Mike O’Herlihy: 06 Oct 99        Steve Howells:  05 Sep 06      Paul Billinge: 03 Feb 11 

Mike Porter:   13 Aug 11      Peter Maitland:  21 Mar 13     Brian Potter: 18 Oct 13           John Horsfall: 09 Jul 15           Frank Styles 20 Aug 16

Tony Pearson 17 Nov 2020

Which leaves 27 survivors.  With the addition of  those that commissioned elsewhere together with “Associate”  Members ie mostly those that did not graduate nor commission at all (including an Emeritus Professor of a  renowned University) the total on the cards for Entry Reunions totals 37 – 1 living in Australia, 2 in the United  States, 1 in Italy.

So representative of that continuing contact:


Martin Johnson 8 September 2017

Ian Weddle  2 April 2018

Tony Maxwell  25 Sept 2018

Jack Holt

Air Cdre D. F Spotswood CBE, DSO DFC ADC

General Sir Francis Festing GCB KBE DSO ADC

CS Parkin, D Lawrence, MJ Porter, PJ Symes, C Green, D Herd and VB Howells.









Read the Journals